Saturday, January 26, 2013

30 day Green Smoothie Chalenge

The Challenge started on the Second of January, and though i was wary of being part of a New years Resolution Making moment, I did join up (its free by the way). Its GREEN and its delicious!!!

They girls at simple green smoothies are fun and ease you into the program by providing a simple and fuss free smoothie. then you get challenged along the way to add more protein and good fats into the recipes.During the course of 30 days ( I am now on day 25) at least 1 serving of Green smoothie is to be consumed.
 I had 1 serve as the very first meal for the day, followed by 4-5 other meals. There was no real change to my diet, but I tried to eat as "clean" as possible. My training schedule also remained the same.

Typically My diet looked like this:
Meal #1: Green Smoothie
Meal#2: Rye Toast, poached eggs and avocado
Meal #3: protein and salad or lunch out(Nando's, pizza, pasta or sandwich bar)
Meal #4: Chocolate (leftovers from XMAS
Meal #5:protein and salad
Meal#6: depending on training requirements I would add another 1/2 serve of Green Smoothie

I would say that the diet wasn't exactly clean! but my training helped out a little.

My Training Schedule looks like this:

Monday: Body Attack Class (I instruct)
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: AM Body Pump (I Instruct), PM cardio
Thursday: AM RPM (I instruct), PM Body Pump (I instruct)
Friday: Body Pump (I instruct)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: RPM (I instruct) , Free weights upperbody (depending on which body part i feel is lagging)

The Results I have had have been pretty cool. I didn't expect to lose any weight as i was adding to my diet not taking anything out, however to dat I am down 1.5kg. The best part is that I have so much more energy, I am more alert, my hair is noticeably shinier, my skin is luminescent and my eyes are sparkly. These are comments made by other people!

This will be a way of life for me long after the challenge I think!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Summer is almost here!

Hello Bikini Season!

So I have been a little lazy of late. Life happens and blogs get put to the side. 
Hopefully now I can get off my butt and get myself into shape. Yes its that time of year where we make the big dash to get bikini ready. While I haven't been lazy in the sense of training ( i kept my schedule through winter) I did loosen my will with my eating. A chocolate here, some fries there and before i knew it my training out the door!! Well no more I say! its.........

Back on the clean eating wagon!

Cook once a week and be ready for clean eats all week. On Facebook I read that Hugh Jackman is on the Wolverine diet, so whilst I don't intend to look like Hugh, I definitely want to lean out like Hugh.

Hugh Jackman
Just in case you've been living under a rock, this is Hugh Jackman to the right.

So Clean eating for me is keeping it fairly simple, and due to my heavy schedule I like to keep it the same from day to day.

Some people prefer variety in their diet, and for me just changing up the spices or the combinations of vegetables  is enough.

A sample of what I like to eat goes like this:

Breakfast: Oats, fruit and yoghurt
snack: Apple or protein ball & Coffee
Lunch: Grilled chicken, green and yellow veges
snack: as above
Dinner: as above.

Above: Chicken breast, Sweet potato, asparagus and lemon slice (raw foods no bake).

Keep fit and healthy :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Monday program

I start the week with a Body Attack class followed by an intense chest and bicep workout. Key to success, stick to the program.


I am about to commence the 28 stripped plan. I will be setting out to do the Les Mills AIM 1 course for both Body Attack and Body Pump. Call it vanity, but I want to come into the programs looking leaner than I am currently, which is at this point not very.

After a 12 week hiatus from any formal set programming, I am track for a leaner fitter me. What has been my downfall...its my inconsistency in my food prgram. training wise I am on target and achieving some great results, including leg pressing 200kgs. So let the challenge begin!

Friday, June 17, 2011

4 Week Ab Plan

End of Week 1 Results
I'm excited as there is a reduction in my pot overall. Still think a tweak in the food diary will accelerate results.
NB Spot reducing is not the aim of this program. Its quite impossible to spot reduce. There will be an effect to my entire body but I'm only posting the results to my ab region for the next 4 weeks

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4 Week Ab Plan

It even hurts when i sneeze. Fabulously I have a day off from training today, more of it tomorrow!!!

The Plan is 6am Body Pump with the ab plan tacked on the back.

Notice i have my new tan? it was le tan in a can plus some sportsgirl tan stuff pictured left. Awesome colouring. Someone even asked me where i went for my holidays....LOL i said it from from a bottle!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

4 Week Ab Plan

Week 1 day 2

Can I just say I woke up and my abs were letting me know they were there!

So back into the Gym at 9am for killer legs, Back and chest workout including day 2 ab attack program. Tough but oh so good!

Clean eating shopping and the afternoon shopping with my sis yay!